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Steps That Can Help You Settle Your Fresno Traffic Accident Case Quickly

Torem & Associates

Being injured in a traffic accident is a traumatic life event that can have far-reaching consequences. If you are severely injured, your life and the lives of your family members can be significantly altered. You may not be able to return to work, and you may require ongoing medical care. These consequences can become very expensive. For that reason, you need to hire an experienced Fresno car accident attorney to handle your case.

How Can I Settle My Injury Claim Quickly?

Not all injury claims should be settled as quickly as possible. In the case of a traumatic event, you must give yourself time to heal and continue medical treatments to determine the full extent of your injuries. Settling your injury claim before you reach maximum medical improvement can result in a much lower settlement amount.

However, in many cases, you can help bring your case to a speedy conclusion by taking the following steps:

  • Contact Our Office Immediately — Hiring an experienced attorney as soon as possible can help speed up your case. We need time to investigate your accident to obtain evidence we will use to prove fault and prove the extent of your injuries. The sooner we can begin working on your case, the quicker we can move toward a settlement.
  • Go to All Doctor Appointments — You don’t want to give the insurance adjuster any reason to delay or deny your claim. If you don’t go to your doctor appointments or follow your doctor’s advice completely, the insurance adjuster may fight your claim by alleging you are not as injured as you claim.
  • Document Everything Related to Your Claim — Keep copies of all medical records, invoices, bills, receipts, documentation of lost wages, and any other documentation related to your claim. The more documentation we have, the better we can prepare a demand that results in full payment of your damages. Furthermore, keep a journal of the activities that you cannot perform and your daily pain level to substantiate your pain and suffering damages.
  • Learn More About Your Claim — Ask our attorneys and staff questions to help you understand the process. By learning about your claim, you can take an active role in moving your claim along toward a settlement. It also helps to save time because you understand what we need and you can be working on that information, so it is ready when we need it.
  • Clean Up Potential Problems — Even though you should never be on trial when you are injured, it is often the case if a claim must be tried in court. Assume your social media accounts will be accessed as part of a trial and remove any embarrassing or suggestive posts that you don’t want to be discussed in a courtroom. While we are working on your claim, it is best to avoid posting anything on social media.

Our attorneys and staff are here to provide support and guidance as we work to help you resolve your accident claim. We encourage you to ask questions if you have a concern about your case.

Call a Fresno And Central California Valley Car Accident Attorney

Contact Torem & Associates by telephone at (888) 500-5000or online by using the contact form on our website to schedule a FREE consultation with a Fresno accident lawyer. We accept most cases on a contingency fee basis — you pay no attorney fees until we win a recovery for you.


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